How to build a positive change management culture

2 min read
December 19, 2019

As a nation, Australia has emerged as a clear leader in developing and rolling out digital technologies.

The problem is that companies are struggling to get their whole enterprise moving forward through strong change management processes.

A recently released Digital Maturity Index has shown that Australian and New Zealand companies are leading the way when it comes to digital strategies and solutions.

Almost 40 per cent of companies surveyed have adopted automation, compared to the global average of 34 per cent.

And when it comes to software development through DevOps and Agile, 38 per cent of Australian and NZ companies have implemented solutions at scale – four per cent more than the global average.

The issue? Organisational transition across these new digital platforms through change management is lagging, with 27 per cent of local companies reporting a lack of change management capabilities.

This can be a major issue when rolling out shiny new applications across multiple business units with thousands of users, as organisations need a culture of positive change management to ensure a seamless transition.


How to adopt better change management practices

If your organisation has recently rolled out new software and/or apps – or plan to in the near future – then positive change management is essential.

Here are some of the common challenges encountered with change management and how you can develop solutions:

  • Multiple teams: The centralised enterprise is rapidly changing, with industries having workers and teams scattered across many units and at multiple locations. Software solutions need to take this into account and have best-practice options for managing these individuals and teams.
  • Documentation: Updating and circulating new documentation for new software and processes is essential, but time-consuming. There are software solutions available that can help streamline and store this documentation, speeding up the process and allowing for instant access to all workers.
  • Conflict: During the course of any change management, there will be those that favour the changes and those that oppose it. Managers need to be able to listen to the reasons why some are opposed, understand their reasons and offer solutions and advice that can help sway them to be onboard to prevent conflict between individuals and teams.
  • Planning: When it comes to digital solutions it is important to be nimble and stay ahead of your competition. But acting too fast can leave your teams confused and create more challenges than solutions. Ensure the proper planning is put into the rollout of every new project that will require organisational change.


Journey Management System (JMS) provides an automated software solution for driver safety, with managers able to monitor journeys and receive alerts and notifications if drivers fail to reach a checkpoint on time.

This allows for swift deployment of emergency assistance where required and helps drive down the risk of workplace-related travel.

JMS also provides extensive training and support for all organisations, with tailored solutions to assist with change management.


Contact JMS to find out more.

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